My offers

Akashic Records Reading

Akashic Records Reading

Akashic Records Reading

💫 Do you want to know more about your purpose/mission in life?
💫 Are you looking for insights regarding repeating patterns that keep showing up?
💫 Do you need more clarity on your next steps within your business?
💫 Are you curious about learning more about yourself?
💫 Do you feel like you could use a different perspective on things?

An Akashic Records Reading will give you all that and more! Both for your personal matters as well as for your business questions.

Cacao Ceremony

These ceremonies are always a very special experience!

In a Cacao Ceremony we drink a cup of ‘Ceremonial Cacao’ together. This is a hot cacao drink, made from 100% pure Cacao that is prepared and drunk in a special way.

Every New & Full Moon I host a Sunrise Cacao Ceremony in Ibiza. When I’m in the Netherlands I often offer a group Ceremony as well. You can also book a private Cacao Ceremony with me, on a day & time of your choice.

Cacao Ceremony

Cacao Ceremony

Channeling Course

Channeling Course

Channeling Course

💫 Learn how to safely connect to your guides and receive their messages, both in writing as through speaking.
💫 Discover your own personal way of channeling and how to enhance it.
💫 Learn how to know and feel the difference between channeling and what’s coming from your mind.
💫 Open up to new ways of understanding yourself and the world around you.
💫 Practice and learn with a variety of exercises.

Light Events

I regularly host a(n online) Light Event to assist you connecting on a deeper level with your own Light. There are 2 types of events:

💫 Light Guidance – a combination of channeled messages, guided meditation, raising (y)our consciousness & opportunity to ask questions to receive channeled guidance.

💫 Chamber of Light Healing – a themed evening where we set our (personal) intentions and you receive a deep and profound Multi-Dimensional Healing through a ‘Chamber of Light’.

Light Events

Light Events

Light Journey

Light Journey

Light Journey

Do you feel you would benefit from having someone walking next to you, guiding & supporting you in those moments you feel lost? I am here for you!

You can choose for a Lightning Journey of 5 sessions within 5 weeks or for a Light Journey of 13 sessions in a maximum of 26 weeks. Each session is 1,5 – 2 hours and is a combination of channeled guidance, Akashic Records Readings, Multi-Dimensional Healings, guided meditations and coaching – everything attuned to what you need in the moment.

Book a free Exploration Call with me discuss your wishes and to feel if we’re a good match. I’m looking forward to connect with you!

Light Retreat Ibiza

Join me for a 1/2-day or for multiple days to connect back to your inner light! Whatever it is you’re looking for, I love to create a program for you that suits all of your wishes. No matter if you only want to spend a 1/2-day together, or wish to have a week (or more!) full of nurturing activities – I’ll come up with a program that will help you to Light up your Life so you can truly feel excited, joyful and happy again!

Book a free Exploration Call with me to discuss your wishes and to feel if we’re the right match for each other. I’m looking forward to connect with you!

Light Retreat Ibiza

Light Retreat Ibiza

Any questions?