Channeling Course
💫 Learn how to safely connect to your guides and receive their messages, both in writing as through speaking.
💫 Discover your own personal way of channeling and how to enhance it.
💫 Learn how to know and feel the difference between channeling and what’s coming from your mind.
💫 Open up to new ways of understanding yourself and the world around you.
💫 Practice and learn with a variety of exercises.
Reviews from clients
“I did the channelings course of Ankhana in 2020 and it gave me so many insights. During the training I experienced many memories of past lives and clearance on a deep level.
After the training I used the channeling skills especially for myself but I am also integrating it in my programs and I use it in my business to personalize meditations through opening up to specific information.
And because I’ve learned to open up my channel I can also connect to my authentic voice more easily. Super grateful for this journey”
– Lonneke Zintel
“I really enjoyed the way how the channeling course was. Especially the guidance to understand the procces of how channeling actually works.
Ankhana explained everything in a very understandable and grounded way. Just easy and logical to understand. Love that. My further experience was very pleasant, Ankhana creates a very safe space to investigate and learning, practising the techniques taught in the course.
I now use the procces of channeling to aligned, be grounded, balanced within myself. A tool to gain knowledge about inner procces, direction and wisdom.”
– Niels Lanting
What is Channeling?
Channeling is a way to open yourself up to directly receive messages from your Guides, Higher Self & Spirit Team so they can support you on your path!
How does it work?
In the course you receive:
✨ A clear explanation of what channeling is.
✨ The steps needed to channel in a safe & easy way.
✨ Practical information from my own experience with channeling.
✨ In-depth information gained from over 7 years of teaching this course.
✨ Multiple exercises for written & spoken channeling.
✨ Useful tips on how to distinguish between mind & channel.
✨ Guided journey for relaxation & integration.
✨ Special Chamber of Light healing journey to help with clearing and opening the throath chakra.
✨ Channeled messages for extra support!
You choose!
You can choose to join me in person in Ibiza or the Netherlands, or take this course from the comfort of your own home with pre-recorded videos with or without my support. There’s an English (ENG) and Dutch (NL) version. You can also decide you want to wait and join a LIVE online Channeling Course. Leave a message below to sign up to the waiting list for an in-person or live online course, or to receive more information about the pre-recorded Channeling Course!
Upcoming courses in Ibiza
✨7th, 8th & 9th February – Channeling Course.
Upcoming courses in the Netherlands
✨21st, 22nd & 23rd March: Channeling Course.
✨28th, 29th & 30th March: Multi-Dimensional Healing Course.
Interested in the Channeling Course?
If you like to know more about the upcoming Channeling Courses or want information about the pre-recorded Course, leave your message here!
Please specify what Channeling Course has your interest (in person / live online / pre-recorded with 1-on-1 support / pre-recorded without support) and in what language (English / Dutch).