Cacao Ceremony

Akashic Records Reading

These ceremonies are always a very special experience!

In a Cacao Ceremony we drink a cup of ‘Ceremonial Cacao’ together. This is a hot cacao drink, made from 100% pure Cacao that is prepared and drunk in a special way.

Every New & Full Moon I host a Sunrise Cacao Ceremony in Ibiza. When I’m in the Netherlands I often offer a group Ceremony as well. You can also book a private Cacao Ceremony with me, on a day & time of your choice.

Reviews from clients

“This was such a treat and Ankhana truly has a magical aura about her that truly guides you along. Can highly recommend the cacao ceremony with her!!”
– Ann Christina H. Herlevsen

“Beautiful experience 💫”
– Nicolle van Broeckhuysen

“Thank you for the beautiful morning and careful guidance!”
– Arianda Schepens

Akashic Records Reading

What is a Cacao Ceremony?

In a Cacao Ceremony we drink a cup of ‘Ceremonial Cacao’ together. This is a hot cacao drink, made from 100% pure Cacao that is prepared and drunk in a special way. Because of the purity of the Cacao and the intentions that are set during the preparation and drinking of the Cacao you get into a light ‘natural high’ (without hallucinations or anything). In this state you can connect more deeply with your feelings and with what lives in your heart.

How does it work?

I guide you through the entire process by explaining what to expect, opening the Ceremony and helping you set the right intentions – such as letting go of something you no longer need or attracting something you would like to experience in your life. After drinking the Cacao, I will guide you through a short meditation and channel the information and insights want to get through at that moment. If needed, there can be short individual healings to let the energy flow better.

In the Ceremony there is time and space to write down your insights (bring a notebook), to talk and share, to cry and laugh and to relax. The Ceremony is as light or ‘heavy’ as you want.

You choose!

Every New and Full Moon you can join a Sunrise Cacao Ceremony in Ibiza (see schedule below). You can join a Cacao Ceremony in the Netherlands when I’m there (select this option in schedule below) or you can book a private Cacao Ceremony on a day & time of your choice. The New / Full Moon Ceremonies are on a donation base. You pay €10 to book your spot and have your Cacao prepared, the rest of your donation you pay in cash on the day itself.

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Date & Time
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Appointment Details
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{{ appointment_step_form_data.selected_date | bookingpress_format_date }}, {{ appointment_step_form_data.selected_formatted_start_end_time }}
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{{ appointment_step_form_data.selected_date | bookingpress_format_date }} - {{ appointment_step_form_data.selected_end_date | bookingpress_format_date }}
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Private Cacao Ceremony

Would you like to experience a Cacao Ceremony with just your partner or friend(s)? Then you can book a Private Cacao Ceremony! The price for a Private Ceremony starts from €200 (up to 4 ppl), the total price depends on the number of people and the location where you’d like to hold the Ceremony.

Fill in this form to receive more information regarding your own Private Cacao Ceremony!

Review from client

“I had such a transformative journey at the new moon meditation at sunrise. Immersing myself in a cacao ceremony accompanied by deep meditation and channeling is a profound and truly magical experience that transcends the ordinary. It left me in awe of the power of ancient rituals to heal, enlighten, and connect with the inner self and the universe.

Ankhana guided us through an opening meditation, inviting us to set intentions and open our hearts to the wisdom and guidance that awaited us. As we sipped the warm, velvety elixir of cacao, its gentle energy started to work its magic, together with the rising warmth of the sun touching our skin, grounding us, and opening up pathways to deeper levels of consciousness.

The meditative journey that followed was a voyage into the depths of the soul, a space where time seemed to stand still.

I look forward to the next one. 🩷☀️”

– Liz Love-Translator